Unraveling the sentimental value of childhood keepsakes

I am writing this while wearing my favorite 10-year-old Wrangler t-shirt (Don't worry I still manage to fit in it!). Though it is no longer in a condition to be worn outdoors. Brushing aside my husband's annoyance at a few holes that could be seen on its sides, it can only be worn inside the four walls of our home. The color of the shirt is not so bright, except for a dash of red on the grey-colored fabric, what fascinates me more are its stitches and its fit. The purpose of writing this is not to talk about feeling comfy in my second skin. For the last 10 years, I have been looking for a similar skivvy, but minus any success. I talked about it with my friends "I am looking for a hand-stitched skivvy, with side cuts, long sleeves, soft texture, and with chequered design." One of my friends goes like, "Who wears polo necks these days." Another friend pitches in, "The design is so old-fashioned now." I have been so attached to it that departing wi...